Why History Reck-ons ???

Your history is your genesis. It explains to you how you came to be WHO you are, and WHY you are WHERE you are today.

History is to the human race, what memory is to each man. It sheds the light of the past upon the present, thus helping one to understand oneself, by making one acquainted with other peoples. Also, as one studies the rise and fall of empires and civilizations, the lessons of the past help one to avoid the pitfalls of the present.

History makes one’s life richer by giving meaning to the books one reads, the cities one visits or the music one hears. It also broadens one’s outlook by presenting to one an admixture of races, a mingling of cultures and a spectacular drama of the making of the modern world out of diverse forces.

"History is a bridge connecting the past with the present and pointing the road to the future." - Allen Nerins

This list aims to put that right! Here are ten great unsolved mysteries of science. So you find me sharing this with you... Its worth reading this article...

  • 10. Rongorongo
  • 9. Lost City of Helike
  • 8. The Bog Bodies
  • 7. Fall of the Minoans
  • 6. The Carnac Stones
  • 5. Who Was Robin Hood?
  • 4. The Lost Roman Legion
  • 3. The Voynich Manuscript
  • 2. The Tarim Mummies
  • 1. Disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization

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